Monday, February 14, 2011

The seasons turn, turn, turn,

2010 was a year of change for the Furies; filled with injuries, pregcellency (trying to coin this phrase for sure), teammates moving on, and new blood moving in. Despite the upheaval- the levels of commitment, dedication, and hard work that all our skater's put forth has never been higher. Countless grueling hours of the off season were spent honing skills and strengthening our bond as a team. The Resurgence of Fury is a real and visceral thing, as any of our loyal fans that were at the season opener can attest.

Such hard works deserves a reward, and we claimer ours in recent weeks past as the Flat Track Furies got turned out in our finest, and took ECRG's annual roller ball by storm.

(From left to right) Top row: Terrin' Skirtz, Boldy Knocks, Katarina Van Rotten, Blitz Vixen, Repsycho, Boneyard Brawler, F- Baum. Second Row: Drive-by 45, Aphrofighty, Jenesis O'Sin, Noble Savage, Frankie Facebreaker. Third Row: Vexine, Blue Ruin, Stormbird, Cobra Commander. Bottom Row: Lady Lumps, Diezaster, Kiki O'Kiester, BurnaDeath, Medusa Harm. Not pictured but much loved - Sugar Hooker.

Some of you out in the vast interweb may be asking yourselves, "Dang how do they look so good, and also what the heck is RollerBall?". I'll answer the first with the same thing I say about our skating skills- all natural talent baby! Secondly and all joking aside, Rollerball has different meaning and importance for all it's attendees, but from the lips of Babes (A.K.A. my Furious sisters) -

"Rollerball is very special occasion for us Derby Gals. It is a time that we get to clad our bruised and scraped bodies in fun and sexy attire. We get to talk and laugh about non derby related stuff with our derby wives, derby widows, team mates, sole mates and league friends. It is the celebration of US: beyond average, athletic, courageous, and daring."

-Terrin Skirtz

"This was my first Rollerball with ECRG. In my old league, we had awards ceremonies and end of season parties, but nothing like Rollerball. It was great to talk to some of the skaters that I don't normally get to talk to, and to get to know their partners! This Rollerball was very special to me. Not only did I get to see how vast and amazing our league actually is, I proposed to the beautiful and extremely talented F Baum (and she said YES!) We even took our engagement photos that night! I am very proud to call myself an Emerald City Roller Girl. To see all of the league come together is a very beautiful thing! I couldn't be a happier roller girl, and couldn't ask for a better league to be a part of!"

-Frankie Facebreaker

"This season was my first Roller Ball experience...I am so pleased that we have this opportunity to ditch the booty shorts and dress up in some pretty fantastic outfits that perhaps haven't seen daylight in years...all to recognize the hard work that is done throughout the season. We have some phenomenal members of the league, skaters and non-skaters alike. They have absolutely earned recognition for what they have contributed. The food was fabulous, but the company was even better."

-Blitzkrieg Vixen

"My rollerball experience was fantastic... It included me drinking too much, being the last to leaving the bar, not sleeping in my own bed, and vomiting all the next day (The not sleeping in my own bed thing involved my boyfriend and I crashing at Bullet Brains' house)".


"I was on the decorations crew and I was so happy with how everything turned out - like a fiery winter wonderland! And winning the award for top trainer was really important to me. Focusing on training my team helped me get through my recovery from knee surgery and it meant a lot to me for being recognized for the work I put into it. It also shows that people are feeling the Resurgence of FURY!!!"


And just for posterity, here is a list of the various awards won by your favorite Furies:

Best Attendance- Blue Ruin

Best Sportswoman- Katarina Van Rotten

Rookie of the Year- F-Baum

Best Coach/ Trainer- Vexine

The Saint Award- Blue Ruin

"Belle of the Brawl"- F-Baum

Cleanest Player- Drive-By .45

Signing out my darlings,
Your Mysterious and devoted Blog Mistress.

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